Steps to take after a DUI Arrest

We want to the share with you what to expect in the event you’ve been arrested for a DUI. While we realize most people don’t ‘think’ they’ll be arrested, it’s smart to stay educated if you ever drink and get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

  1. Take the chemical test: we’ve written about this before in other articles, but it’s imperative that you comply with the arresting officer at the time. Don’t make matters worse by thinking if you refuse the test, you’re in the clear. You aren’t! It’s actually punishable by law if you decline a breathalyzer or a blood test. You might be asking, what is the test for? It’s to check your Blood Alcohol Level or BAC and in the state of Pennsylvania anything over .08% is considered driving while intoxicated. It’s also to assess your state of mind and whether you’re capable of being behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Therefore, stay calm and remain compliant with the arresting officer or officers.
  1. Contact an attorney who primarily focuses on DUI laws in your county: we can’t stress this enough! Please don’t consider hiring a general attorney for your DWI case. Often times, these cases are complicated and we at The Law Offices of Ed Guyer have a very in depth understanding of the legal system. Certainly, other attorneys are capable of representing you, but why take the chance especially since they don’t have the specialized knowledge? We are able to provide you with a far more favorable outcome than the alternative.

There you have it. Call us or add us to your phone contacts at 215.542.9333 or email us at and we’ll discuss your options. Should you have questions, we’re here for you.

a man in handcuff