The DUI/DWI Scenario Or Driving Without A License Or One That Has Been Suspended is Scary. Read More

Today for you is any day of the week and you’re driving after having a few glasses, pints, bottles of an alcoholic beverage. You get in your car to drive home and after a few minutes, the lights and siren behind you alert you to pull over. You think it’s a passing officer. You willfully comply only to find you’re the one being pulled over. Uh Oh!

You may not realize that having a glass or two of wine, beer or a mixed drink within a certain period of time and/or on an empty stomach means you’re intoxicated in the eyes of the law; that is, having a BAC (Blood Alcohol Content/Concentration) of .08, means you’re in trouble. This isn’t a sure thing that you’re BAC is elevated over .08 but you will be required by law to take a series of tests. Should you refuse, the consequences are worse.

While we don’t condone drinking and driving at The Offices of Ed Guyer, we do understand the complexity of the legal process and are compassionate individual team members. Leave the embarrassment at the door and realize everyone makes a mistake and in some cases two or more.

Let’s say you haven’t killed anyone. No one has been hurt. You go through processing and now you’re simply in a conundrum of sorts. You’ve been pulled over and now face a series of tests. Your heart is racing and you’re thinking about a million other problems that have yet to occur. What now?

First, take a breath. A deep breath. Follow the instructions of the officer and realize that you are not alone and there have been others before you and other that will likely follow.

Let’s take a deep dive into the stress and anxiety of a DUI/DWI (Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Intoxicated) in the State of PA and most importantly, Montgomery, Chester, and Delaware Counties.

If you’ve read this far, do one thing right now: Add Ed Guyer DUI Lawyer into your phone contacts: 215.542.9333. Don’t wait until after the fact, just be sure you have a backup plan in the unfortunate case you find yourself needing our help.

After the arrest you may not realize you could lose your driver’s license. Under Pennsylvania state law, your license to drive your vehicle to work, or on the job, isn’t a right, it is a privilege that can be taken away simply because a police officer suspected you may have been drinking and driving. At The Law Offices of Ed Guyer Law, and for more than thirty years, we have been helping people protect their freedom to drive. Ed focuses mainly on DUI and criminal defense. As such, we have earned a reputation throughout police departments and the judicial system for providing effective, skillful representation that makes a difference in the lives of drivers charged with DUI and other offenses that can lead to license suspension.

What happens if you lose your driver’s license?

Can We Help You Resume Driving after the Police has taken away your license?

That depends on the reason your driver license was suspended or revoked. In many instances, you may resume driving under the full privileges of your reinstated driver’s license after the suspension period has ended and you have paid all fines and fees. In some cases, additional driver training or education might also be required.

We Teach Driver’s License Defense

We teach our aggressive driver’s license defense at local DUI seminars. If you have had your driver’s license suspended or revoked, or face charges that involve losing your driver’s license, contact Ed Guyer, a driver’s license suspension lawyer, for a free consultation about how we can help keep your driving freedom. We teach our aggressive driver’s license defense at local DUI seminars. While having a driver’s license may be a privilege, it is also a freedom and a necessity you can’t afford to lose.

We pay special attention the following and now should you:

  • Mechanical Violations
  • Reckless Driving
  • Running a Red Light / Stop Sign/ Seat Belt and Child Restraint Violations
  • Speeding
  • Driving Without a License / Suspended License
  • Driving Without Registration
  • Driving Without Insurance
  • DUI / DWI
  • Illegal U-Turn
  • Leaving the Scene of an Accident / Hit and Run

We hope we’ve educated you a bit more and remember, Ed Guyer Lawyer: 215.542.9333 or send us an email at:

Learn More:

The DUI arrest scenario